
One Page CPU Project - CPU, Assembler & Emulator each in a single page of code

This project is maintained by revaldinho

OPC2 Definition

OPC2 is a second minimal implementation of a One Page Computer which fits into a single Xilinx XC9572 CPLD.

OPC2 is a load/store based machine with an 8 bit datapath and a 10 bit address space. Like the OPC1 it supports 3 addressing modes:

The OPC2 datapath has two 8 bit registers which are used in all logical and arithmetic operations:

On using the JAL instruction the PC is swapped with the values in A and B, with B providing and receiving the high PC byte (actually just a nybble) and A the low byte. This provides a base for indirect jumps, computed jumps, calling subroutines and returning from them.

The OPC has just one flag register: the carry (C) flag. Branching instructions dependent on the state of this flag and the state of the accumulator are available.

On reset the CPU starts execution at address 0x100 to leave page zero free for variables which can be accessed by the 8 bit pointers.

OPC2 Instructions

Instr Function #bytes Opcode/Operand
ldb.i b <- n 2 1000xxxx nnnnnnnn
ldb b <- (n) 2 1001xxnn nnnnnnnn
sta.p ((n)) <- a 2 1010xxnn nnnnnnnn
ldb.p b <- ((n)) 2 1100xxnn nnnnnnnn
sta (n) <- a 2 0110xxnn nnnnnnnn
halt simulation only 2 11111111 xxxxxxxx
jpc pc <- n if c else pc 2 0100xxnn nnnnnnnn
jal pc <- {b,a}; {b,a} <- pc 2 0111xxxx xxxxxxxx
adc {c,a} <- a + b + c 1 0000xxxx
not a <- ~a 1 0001xxxx
and a <- a & b ; c <- 0 1 0010xxxx
axb a <- b ; b <- a 1 0011xxxx


JAL is a two byte instruction although the operand is not needed and is ignored. Lack of space in the XC9572 means that decoding has had to be simplified here.