
One Page CPU Project - CPU, Assembler & Emulator each in a single page of code

This project is maintained by revaldinho

OPC5LS Definition

OPC-5LS is a reworking of the earlier OPC-5 into a load/store machine with double the number of instructions. Like OPC-5 it is a pure 16 bit One Page Computer with a 16 entry register file and predicated instruction execution. All memory accesses are 16 bits wide and instructions are encoded in either one or two words ::

ppp l oooo ssss dddd  nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
  \  \   \    \   \           \_______ 16b optional operand word
   \  \   \    \___\__________________  4b source and destination registers
    \  \___\__________________________  1b instruction length + 4b opcode
     \________________________________  3b predicate bits                         

On reset the processor will start executing instructions from location 0.

OPC-5LS has a 16 entry register file. Each instruction can specify one register as a source and another as both source and destination using the two 4 bit fields in the encoding. Two of the registers have special purposes:

Addressing Modes and Effective Address/Data Computation

The 16b effective address or data (EAD) for all instructions is created by adding the 16b operand to the source register. By using combinations of the zero register and zero operands with the LD and STO instructions the following addressing modes are supported:

Mode Source Reg Operand Effective address/Data
Direct R0 <addr> mem[<addr>]
Indirect <reg> 0 mem[<reg>]
Indexed <reg> <index> mem[<reg> + <index>]
Immediate R0 <immed> <immed>

Processor Status Register

The processor has an 8 bit processor status register. Included in this arethree processor status flags which are set by ALU operations - calculation of the EAD values has no effect on these - and 5 bits related to interrupt handling.


All instructions can have predicated execution and this is determined by the three instruction MSBs and indicated by a prefix on the instruction mnemonic in the assembler.

P0 P1 P2 Asm Prefix Function
0 0 0 1. or none Always execute
0 0 1 0. Never execute - NOP
0 1 0 z. Execute if Zero flag is set
0 1 1 nz. Execute if Zero flag is clear
1 0 0 c. Execute if Carry flag is set
1 0 1 nc. Execute if Carry flag is clear
1 1 0 mi. Execute if Sign flag is set
1 1 1 pl. Execute if Sign flag is clear

Instruction Set

# mnemonic alias opcode Assembler EA/ED Calc Assembler EA/ED Calc FUNCTION
0 mov   0 0 0 0 mov rd, rs ED = rs + 0 mov rd,rs,imm ED = (rs + imm) & 0xFFFF rd <- ED
1 and   0 0 0 1 and rd, rs ED = rs + 0 and rd,rs,imm ED = (rs + imm) & 0xFFFF rd <- rd & ED
2 or   0 0 1 0 or rd,rs ED = rs + 0 or rd,rs,imm ED = (rs + imm) & 0xFFFF rd <- rd | ED
3 xor   0 0 1 1 xor rd,rs ED = rs + 0 xor rd,rs,imm ED = (rs + imm) & 0xFFFF rd <- rd ^ ED
4 add asl rd, rd 0 1 0 0 add rd, rs ED = rs + 0 add rd, rs, imm ED = (rs + imm) & 0xFFFF {C, rd} <- rd + ED
5 adc rol rd,rd 0 1 0 1 adc rd, rs ED = rs + 0 adc rd, rs, imm ED = (rs + imm) & 0xFFFF {C, rd } <- rd + ED + C
6 sto   0 1 1 0 sto rd, rs EA = rs + 0 sto rd, rs, index EA = (rs + index) & 0xFFFF mem[EA] <- rd
7 ld   0 1 1 1 ld rd, rs EA = rs + 0 ld rd, rs, index EA = (rs + index) & 0xFFFF rd <-mem[EA]
8 ror   1 0 0 0 ror rd,rs ED = rs + 0 sub rd, rs, imm ED = (rs + imm) & 0xFFFF {rd,C} <- {C,ED}
9 not   1 0 0 1 not rd, rs ED = rs + 0 not rd,rs,imm ED = (rs + imm) & 0xFFFF rd <- ~ED
10 sub   1 0 1 0 sub rd, rs ED = rs + 0 sub rd, rs, imm ED = (rs + imm) & 0xFFFF {C,rd} <- rd + ~ED + 1
11 sbc   1 0 1 1 sbc rd, rs ED = rs + 0 sbc rd, rs, imm ED = (rs + imm) & 0xFFFF {C, rd} <- rd + ~ED + C
12 cmp   1 1 0 0 cmp rd, rs ED = rs + 0 cmp rd, rs, imm ED = (rs + imm) & 0xFFFF {C, r0} <- rd + ~ED + 1
13 cmpc   1 1 0 1 cmpc rd, rs ED = rs + 0 cmpc rd, rs, imm ED = (rs + imm) & 0xFFFF {C, r0} <- rd + ~ED + C
14 bswp   1 1 1 0 bswp rd, rs ED = rs + 0 bswp rd, rs, imm ED = (rs + imm) & 0xFFFF {rd_h,rd_l} <- {ED_l,ED_h}
15 psr   1 1 1 1 psr rd,psr ED = {8’b0,PSR} psr rd,psr,imm ED = {8’b0,PSR} rd <- ED
15 psr   1 1 1 1 psr psr,rs ED = rs + 0 psr psr,rs,imm ED = (rs + imm) & 0xFFFF {SWI,EI, S, C, Z} <- ED[7:0]
15 rti   1 1 1 1 rti pc,pc ED = pc’ - - {EI, S, C, Z} <- {0,S’,C’,Z’}