The F100-L Assembler

Invoking The Assembler


F100Asm is an assembler for the Ferranti F100-L CPU.


-f --filename  <filename>           specify the assembler source file


-o --output    <filename>           specify file name for assembled code

-g --format    <bin|ihex|hex|hex16> set the file format for the assembled code
                                    - default is hex

-e --endianness <little|big>        set endianness of byte oriented output
                                    - default is little-endian

-n --nolisting                      suppress the listing to stdout while the
                                    program runs

-s --symboltable                    output symbol table at end of listing

-l --labelsonly                     include only labels in the symbol table output (default)

-f --fullsymbols                    include all symbols in the symbol table output

-h --help                           print this help message

If no output filename is provided the assembler just produces the normal
listing output to stdout.


python3.5 -f test.asm -o file.bin -g bin -e little

Assembler File Format


Comments can be placed anywhere in the code and start with the semi-colon (;) character, e.g.

ADDS 0x134 ; add the magic number to the accumulator


Labels can be placed anywhere in the code and will be evaluated during the first assembly pass.

Labels must start with an alphabetic character or an underscore, end with a ‘:’ and any combination of alphanumeric characters or underscores is allowed in between.

All labels and variables are case insensitive; they will all be converted to upper case during symbol table processing. e.g.

LOOP_TOP:    SRL  0x01 A


F100ASM supports the following directives, all of which start with the dot (.) character

  • .ORG <address>

  • .EQU <variable name> <expression>

  • .DATA <data> [, <data> [, ... ]]]

  • .WORD <data> [, <data> [, ... ]]]


.ORG sets the current instruction address to the value supplied before assembling the next instruction. e.g.

.ORG 0x0800 ; Instruction execution starts at 0x800 following a reset when AdSel is left floating or tied high


.EQU is used to assign expressions or values to variable names. e.g.

.EQU  STK_SIZE  0x0400

F100ASM uses the Python ASR parser class to allow parsing of any valid Python expression. All expressions must evaulate to an integer number by the end of the first pass through the assembler. Expressions or symbols may be used anywhere a numerical value is allowed.

Like labels all variable names must start with an alphabetic character or an underscore but subsequent characters may be alphanumeric. All variable names are case insensitive.

Note that the two symbols A and C are reserved words and may not be used as variable names.

Labels are treated like any other variable as far as expression parsing is concerned.


.DATA and .WORD are synonyms of each other. These can be followed by a list of comma separated numeric values or expressions on the same line. e.g.:

.WORD 1,1,2,3,5,8 ; Fibonacci numbers
.WORD STK_PTR1, MEMTOP - STKSIZE  ; examples of expressions

Unsupported features

F100ASM doesn’t directly support definition of macros or conditional assembly. These features are easily added by pre-processing the assembly source using the C-preprocessor (cpp).


# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#     _____________  ____        __       ___                             __    __
#    / ____<  / __ \/ __ \      / /      /   |  _____________  ____ ___  / /_  / /__  _____
#   / /_   / / / / / / / /_____/ /      / /| | / ___/ ___/ _ \/ __ `__ \/ __ \/ / _ \/ ___/
#  / __/  / / /_/ / /_/ /_____/ /___   / ___ |(__  |__  )  __/ / / / / / /_/ / /  __/ /
# /_/    /_/\____/\____/     /_____/  /_/  |_/____/____/\___/_/ /_/ /_/_.___/_/\___/_/
# F 1 0 0 - L * A S S E M B L E R (c) 2016 Revaldinho & BigEd
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----:-----------:--------------------------------------------------------------------------
     1:                       .EQU  _TMP 0x3E8
     2:                       .EQU  ping 0x3EA
     3:      001A: 8001       LDA 0x0001
     4:      001B: 4800 03EA  STO .ping
     5:                       .EQU  pong 0x3EC
     6:      001D: 8001       LDA 0x0001
     7:      001E: 4800 03EC  STO .pong
     8:                       .EQU  new_pong 0x3EE
     9:                       L1:
    10:      0020: 8800 03EA  LDA .ping
    11:      0022: 9800 03EC  ADD .pong
    12:      0024: 4800 03EE  STO .new_pong
    13:      0026: 8800 03EC  LDA .pong
    14:      0028: 4800 03EA  STO .ping
    15:      002A: 8800 03EE  LDA .new_pong
    16:      002C: 4800 03EC  STO .pong
    17:      002E: 8800 03EA  LDA .ping
    18:      0030: D000 0262  NEQ ,610
    19:      0032: 0181 0020  JBC 0x01 CR L1
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 0 Errors
# 0 Warnings
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# SymbolTable
# --------------------------------: -------------------------------- : ----------------------
# Symbol                          : Definition                       : Value Hex (Decimal)
# --------------------------------: -------------------------------- : ----------------------
# L1                              : 32                               : 0020 (32)
# NEW_PONG                        : 0X3EE                            : 03EE (1006)
# PING                            : 0X3EA                            : 03EA (1002)
# PONG                            : 0X3EC                            : 03EC (1004)
# _TMP                            : 0X3E8                            : 03E8 (1000)
# --------------------------------: -------------------------------- : ----------------------
# Run time = 0.004 s
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------